
  1. Universally Guarded - Universal High-Flow Diesel Catch Can R&D - Part 1 - The Plan

    Universally Guarded - Universal High-Flow Diesel Catch Can R&D - Part 1 - The Plan

    This Universal High-Flow Catch Can Kit is now available! Click here to check it out!

    It's no secret that the world relies on the diesel engine. From the mega-motors powering cargo ships across the ocean to the 4-cylinder TDIs, the turbodiesel has become synonymous with longevity and dependability. Even after hundreds of thousands of miles, the deep chugging and piercing whistle of a turbodiesel keeps going. While the diesel engine is a staple of reliability, its lifespan is still determined by how it's taken care of. Even with all the advancements in technology and engineering, the diesel engine is still susceptible to one of the same issue that plagues its gas-powered cousin, blow-by.

    blowby can

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  2. Transmission Cooling to the duraMAX - 2001-2010 Chevy /GMC Duramax Transmission Cooler, Part 1 - Stock Review

    Transmission Cooling to the duraMAX - 2001-2010 Chevy /GMC Duramax Transmission Cooler, Part 1 - Stock Review

    This 2001-2014 Chevy / GMC 6.6L Duramax Transmission Cooler is now available! Click here to check it out!

    Extreme heat is always the enemy, especially when it comes to vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission. The Allison gearbox mated with your 6.6L Duramax is no exception. With the high temperatures produced by an automatic transmission, it seems almost cruel that the sweltering summer heat comes when most of the towing of campers, boats, and other outdoor toys happens. GM did include some help to keep your gears cool. Unfortunately, it's a little small.

    For such an iconic towing machine, it seems strange to equip it with such a small transmission cooler.
    For such an iconic towing machine, it seems strange to equip it with
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  3. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 6: Final Results and Product Conclusion

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 6: Final Results and Product Conclusion

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out our product page for more information!

    Mishimoto Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax Intercooler Kit

    With our testing complete, it was time to recap the results and see what kind of benefits our cooler was capable of producing. The testing procedures and information from our previous posts are outlined below.

    Testing Procedures and Information

    Vehicle: 2011 Chevrolet 2500 6.6L LML Duramax

    Engine Modifications: None, all factory equipped

    Ambient Temperature: 85°F (29.5°C)

    Humidity: 35%

    Sensors: PLX Pressure and temperature sensors were placed on both the hot-side and cold-side intercooler boots.

    Physical Benefits

    Before we jump right into the testing data, let's compare the physical aspects of our intercooler design that distinguish our unit from the factory cooler.

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  4. Winterize Your Diesel: How to prepare your truck for the coldest of enemies!

    Winterize Your Diesel: How to prepare your truck for the coldest of enemies!

    If you’ve faced a winter or two with your diesel truck, you are probably aware of the challenges that lie ahead for this coming season. Proper vehicle preparation is key to reducing vehicle downtime and making sure your truck survives low  temperatures. Although modern trucks are well set up from the factory for cold climates, there are always preventive measures that will make your life a bit easier when the temperature drops. Our team has prepared an in-depth checklist, with the goal that your truck makes it to spring without incurring too much wear.


    This is an in-depth article, so we have included a table of contents. Each title will link you to the appropriate section. Thanks for taking a look at our article!

    Table of Contents

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  5. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 5: Prototype Testing

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 5: Prototype Testing

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out our product page for more information!

    Mishimoto Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax Intercooler Kit

    Product Testing and Procedures

    The fun part of development is the reveal of our initial prototype design, but the truly exciting part is the testing portion of development. At this point our offices are disrupted by noise from the dyno pulls, tempting a few of our empolyees to filter into the garage and check out the action. Below we see the truck loaded onto the dyno.

    LML test truck on dyno
    LML test truck on dyno

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  6. Boots, Blowouts, and Boost Tubes: How to Build a Reliable CAC Piping System

    Boots, Blowouts, and Boost Tubes: How to Build a Reliable CAC Piping System

    So, let’s talk boots! No, were not talking about Red Wings, steel toes, or Timberlands. This article is about ensuring that your charge-air cooler boots remain intact and in place to keep your car or truck on the road and out of the garage. So what’s the big deal? You clamp the boot down, and if it blows off you clamp it a bit tighter. While this might be a quick solution, that boot blowout is likely to occur again unless you address the issue properly. If you have a modified car or truck that produces an absurd amount of boost, pay close attention to this article for tips about selecting the right products for the job and creating a reliable system. No one wants to be left on the side of the road in frigid weather when a cheap boot decides to commit suicide. Okay, let’s jump right in!

    Charge-Air Cooler Basics

    This section is for those who are completely new to turbocharged vehicles. If you have a basic understanding of the intercooler

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  7. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 4: Prototype Test Fit

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 4: Prototype Test Fit

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out our product page for more information!

    Mishimoto Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax Intercooler Kit

    Prototype Test Fitting

    Time to see if this massive intercooler fits! Our prototype design was based on critical dimensions taken from a test vehicle so we could expand the cooler as much as possible without causing fitment concerns. Let's see if we succeeded on our first attempt!

    The radiator and intercooler are thicker than the factory units, so we bolted the intercooler prototype to the new Mishimoto radiator prototype. Now attached to each other, we installed them together for the benefit of those customers who would want to purchase both components.

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  8. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 3: Prototype Design

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 3: Prototype Design

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out our product page for more information!

    Mishimoto Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax Intercooler Kit

    Prototype 3D Design

    Now that we outlined our project goals and had all the test data from the factory intercooler, our engineers were ready to design a prototype intercooler. Using dimensional data from a rendering of the truck as well as the actual measurements we took from the test vehicle and factory intercooler, our team was able to create a very nice looking prototype. Check out a couple renderings of the design!

    Mishimoto prototype intercooler rendering
    Mishimoto prototype intercooler rendering
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  9. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 2: Factory Intercooler and Project Goals

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 2: Factory Intercooler and Project Goals

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out the product page for more information!: Intercooler Kit, fits Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax 2011-2016

    Welcome back! In our last segment we removed the factory intercooler so we could determine if this project would even be necessary. The good news is, all that work was not for nothing; our team found several aspects of the factory intercooler that could be improved. Check out a few more detailed images of the factory intercooler.

    First, a peek at that interesting metal end tank we discussed in part 1 of this article.

    Factory LML intercooler metal hot-side end tank
    Factory LML intercooler metal hot-side end tank
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  10. Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 1: Product Introduction and Factory Cooler Evaluation

    Mishimoto 2011+ Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L LML Duramax Performance Intercooler, Part 1: Product Introduction and Factory Cooler Evaluation

    Interested in purchasing this Duramax Intercooler? Check out our product page for more information!

    Mishimoto Chevrolet/GMC 6.6L Duramax Intercooler Kit

    Product Introduction

    The LML Duramax is the cleanest and most powerful Duramax thus far. The innovations made for this new model are quite substantial and are a direct result of serious advances in automotive technology. Unfortunately, stricter emissions standards of today result in the inclusion of a DPF (diesel particulate filter) system, which improves emissions yet hampers fuel mileage.

    Luckily, not all the innovations for newer Durmax models are in place to provide cleaner air; several features of the new engine are in place for improved performance and reliability. Among the long list of improvements, a few highlights include a quick-spooling VGT turbocharger, a factory-equipped exhaust brake, upgraded designs of the main

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